
About Lead Linx LLC

Lead Linx Logo and slogan saying Digital Marketing & SEO

Who we are?

At Lead Linx LLC, we aim to empower local businesses in Ohio and surrounding markets to thrive in a digital world. We believe in the transformative power of technology and innovation, yet we ground our approach in the unique needs and values of our community. Through tailored digital marketing strategies, SEO, web development, and personalized support, we strive to unlock the untapped potential of our local entrepreneurs and business leaders. Our commitment is not just to drive growth but to forge lasting relationships that contribute to the vibrant economy and shared success of our region.

We're a growing family owned and operated business. Vincent’s journey from a seasoned sales executive in logistics to a digital marketing entreprenuer is a testament to his adaptability and relentless pursuit of excellence. Vincent's personally connected with some of the  best marketers in the world, Vincent's approach is imbued with cutting-edge strategies and an ever building understanding of the industry. His unique blend of practical sales experience and marketing acumen positions him as a leader who genuinely understands the needs and potential of local businesses. Alongside his beautiful wife who aids in Developement and furry side kick for positive support, Vincent & Kami are passionate about lasting relationships and finding a way to say yes to opportunities, no matter how they present themselves.

Our Team

Vincent & Kami Miller

Owner & Development





Image of a group of people on a computer monitor like they're in a video conference call


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